The Dark Bowels Of YouTube

Ever find yourself aimlessly clicking through recommended video after recommended video on YouTube only to suddenly find out you've wondered into a part of YouTube that never makes the Featured lists? Videos either containing very odd and quirky content, what the kids today call "cringy," or the content creator themselves has a backstory that's really, really disturbing or just plain interesting.

I clicked on a video that has almost a hundred thousand views after doing a search for content with the phrase "mobile home living." (Looking into it, but not sure it'd be for me.) It's by far the most viewed video of the creator's out of hundreds on his channel, likely due to the simple and common title: "My New Mobile Home."

In it, as you can watch above, he brings the viewer on a tour of his newly purchased mobile home and right away you hear in his voice-over that he is very, VERY, excited. At first you're like "Well good for him! Glad he's so happy." But then you notice he's a bit TOO excited. He chimes in with kinda cringy statements and over-the-top animated descriptions of the rooms he's showing. Something's up with this guy. And many of the comments notice it too, many of them negatively or rudely so. Well, it is YouTube after all.

I checked out a few other videos on his channel and with my professional experience it didn't take me long to recognize that this guy is mentally disabled. Definitely autistic spectrum with many social behavioral indicators. In one of his videos he talks a bit about his diagnoses. He says it's a combo of Asperger's, Tourette's, ADD and PTSD. I'd concur, with the understanding that his Tourette's expresses as his animated movements and speech affect and his Asperger's (leaning towards high-functioning autism if you ask me) is so pronounced as to limit his conscious ability to check his "cringiness" as many with Asperger's are able to do.

The camera ham personality in this guy intrigues me. Most people I've come across affected by syndromes such as these are constantly under pressure to "tamp down" their quirkiness and conform to "normal" behavior patterns. This guy seems very independent and less concerned with the speech affect but it may be due to the fact that he's got little in the way of family overbearance since his parents are deceased.

And then I came across this video he made after the death of his mother explaining, while displaying no emotion, what happened to her the night she died in pretty graphic detail and within a couple minutes, is breaking out singing and dancing to "Gangnam Style!" WTF??!

He's quite social media savvy as well, posting on his Facebook page almost daily with a play-by-play rundown of his day.

Oh, and who appears to be his biological sister appears in the videos and herself has a well used Facebook account. She's quite obviously mentally disabled herself but with an affect pretty much the polar opposite of her brother's. She seems like she drifts through life perpetually stoned. There's another sister, probably adopted, and she may not be handicapped.

The guy seems to have a stable life, working as a janitor and living on his own with occasional visits from people he calls his "staffs." I haven't seen where he gets into any hobbies per se other than his passion for his Holy Roller mega-style church. Yeah, one of them.

Sometimes you stumble across these odd people and their simple, perhaps quirky (or even cringy) lives. That's one of the charms of YouTube after all, isn't it?