Is Anybody Out There?

Well we know there isn't.

In case you missed it (and by "you" I mean "myself") I felt the need to take this blog "off-line" sort of, and make it private. Too much risk for so little potential reward.

And frankly, through the years, I have given it thought as to what I felt was the potential reward of having this blog available on the public interwebs. My main motivation was the very slim chance that maybe, just maybe, someone, somewhere and sometime, would read it and feel that some of my stories about my life touched them in a positive way. Perhaps they too struggled with alcohol, perhaps they were a gay guy living in a straight world. Perhaps they felt lonely, poor, betrayed, and jaded. But that's focusing on the negative aspects of my life experiences isn't it? What about the fact that someone might be entertained by my wit and charm (aw shucks)? Or they might benefit from my years of experience in many of life's challenges and having (up to now) come out relatively on top of it all after all. Or they might gain inspiration from the posts that follow my journey to a slim, fit body and healthy mind? What, you say? That hasn't happened? I tried and failed in 2013? Well, those posts have yet to be written my friend. The time has come. It begins now!

Yes, that's right, I'm on a new health kick. I've kept the real commencement of these efforts low key 'cause I didn't know if this time they'd stick or not but I think I got through the initial cobwebs and can fell a bit more confident of success.

I'll detail more as I progress more since, right now, I'm in the experimental stages of modifying my behaviors in a less drastic mode than in failed attempts in the past. I'm at the point where I think it might work out okay, at least for now, to keep a small supply of my favorite beers in the fridge and partake when I get the urge...but only to a maximum of 24 ounces a day. Oh, AA'ers would roll their eyes majorly at this idea for sure. But, day two into this and maybe, just maybe this might work. The full out cold turkey method just tamps down my dark side for a little while before it escapes the iron grip of the light side and comes roaring back...with a vengeance. Maybe easing into it would be a better choice? I really gotta admit I don't think I ever tried it before.

So will this blog go "back up" once my paranoia calms down, or I just adopt a new "give-a-fuck" attitude about it? Or maybe as a boast of pride to the world about my achievements yet to come?

All I can say is "we'll see."

And that, my friend (me), is where I'll leave it for now.