The Fabric Of Reality Is Ripping

Never mind a delicate word like "tearing," it's fucking RIPPING!

Russia hacked the United States presidential election...FACT!

Their goal was verified as attempting to assist Trump's campaign and sabotage Clinton's...FACT!

Trump actually won despite all of the reputable media analysis up to and including election day predicting he'd lose...FACT!

The FBI is investigating possible collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians...FACT!

Members of Trump's posse have already been caught lying about their meetings with Russian spies...FACT!

Trump continues to be just fuckin' weird and delusional.

He thinks Obama wiretapped him but has no substantial evidence pointing to this outrageous accusation. He flies to his golf courses almost every weekend and conducts secret meetings there. He continues to hold "Make America Great Again" rallies. He uses Twitter like it was a fucking diplomatic cable shooting his mouth off with rude, immature and divisive statements. He jokes with a foreign head of state at a press conference that he and she share a joint experience of illegal wiretapping by the US government. "Spicy," his White House Press Secretary, is just slightly less loony and outlandishly-aggressive than the parody of him by Melissa McCarthy on SNL...just slightly.

And the list goes on and on.

The only solution to this total fucking mess isn't to impeach him...that'd only put that homophobic fucktard Pense in the Oval Office.

No, we need a total reboot.

Yup. We need to have another election. And we need it soon.