Tamp The Tude

I's gotsta "tamp the tude" today 'coz  I be triggered!

I haven't posted about work lately 'cause really things have been rather ho hum. Until recently.

First off, my annual review which was conducted a full month late, was not as sterling as it's been in the past. Why? My supervisor said the 3-11 shift has complained that during some recent busy times (like the scabies outbreak...yeah, right on the heels of the bedbug crisis...this place looks all posh but pull back a metaphorical layer or two and you see the scummy, disgusting underbelly) I was not helpful and shit. I reminded her that in fact I bent over backwards to help, jumping in to help with med deliveries and even application of scabies cream on one resident who refused it for all other staff.

I told her that I think the person saying this shit about me (no I didn't use language like that, this place is too uptight for that) is Michelle because I called her out one night since she repeatedly takes forever to complete her duties running herself into overtime. I was trying to be pro-management in that I knew her game: she was purposely procrastinating shit so she would end up with a few minutes overtime each night for "approved reasons."

My supervisor was playing dumb like she never knew that some employees play that game. And the sad thing is I think she really was clueless. Her management style is so "Mommy Loves You!" with her subordinates, bringing in food all the time and even sharing some inside info that is really none of any one outside of management's business with her "family" of "coworkers." She's one of these managers that still think she's "one of the gang" and that everyone "has her back." Well, she's got a lot to learn about entry-level employee mindset, especially here in Florida.

Some are just outright sneaky motherfuckers looking to fuck over their employer every chance they get. Especially prevalent among black people. My theory: they equate having to answer to "a boss" and "follow the company rules" with "obeying massa" especially if the company, as it is here, is white "owned." (We're a non-profit so it isn't owned per se but the Board of Directors, CEO, CFO, Clinical Director and Jessica, whatever her fuckin' title is, are all white.)

So my supervisor said she "put in" for my 3% merit raise but "hasn't got it yet." That was two pay periods ago and I still "haven't got it yet." My suspicion is I'm at the ceiling. I mean, they've got to be asking themselves: "Are we going to increase the highest paid caregiver in the place yet again?"

Oddly enough, Anthony (formerly Tony but now the queen doesn't want to be called Tony anymore) was telling us after shift report last Sunday morning that although he's back now as part time, when he was full time a few years back he was one of a bunch of employees, including admin level like the then-HR Director, that got fired because they made too much. Made me gulp silently 'cause I don't know who knows I make what I do.

And now, last night (well, what you would call "last night"...I call it earlier today).

One of the residents gets a midnight dose of antibiotics, I bring it to him in his room. He punches out the pills from the bubble pack cards and I bid him goodnight. Did I see him actually swallow them? No. He's not the type to cheek meds or otherwise fuck around so I didn't play Nurse Ratched with him.

My co-worker, the new black girl (yes she's like the fuckin' fifth one or somethin') brings this guy his 6 am dose. Well, she sees some pills lying on his counter top and asks him about them. He says "Michael gave them to me and I put them there and forgot to take them." She brings them back to the Health Center and tells me what the resident said. I'm looking at her like..."What the fuck dude, this is a med error, are you shittin' me?" and tell her "I'll take care of it." I mull over what to do. Of course if it were me, I'd keep quiet about it and dispose of the pills and that would be that. No worries. I'd do it for anyone. It's only antibiotics for cryin' out loud.

But she's a Glory to the Lord Bible-thumper so of course she has a big moral dilemma with "covering up" this. Oh but if I was black she'd back me up. Since I'm a white devil, she's not throwing a single bone my way. So I say, well go ahead and write up the med error and I'll add my response (which is the proper way to do it) but she's also really reticent to "take charge" of anything, preferring to continually play dumb and defer to me to make all the tough decisions. Well, not this time bitch. You want to throw me under the bus, you best get a running start 'cause I's a big ol' fat cracker!

So if I get fired over this shit, at least I said my piece on it. Now I just have to "tamp the tude" when I see her again tonight (or what I call tomorrow) or that too will be held against me in the Court of Estrogen-flooded Law.