Creeping Out Of The Facebook Woodwork

So I've noticed a phenomenon unfolding over the past few weeks and like the election itself, I'm dumbfounded by the fact that apparently I never really knew many of my friends.

Friends I've known for years, nay decades, and whom I've always considered, like me, to be smart, logical and most of all sane. They've started posting Pro-Trump confessions on Facebook!


Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I only have friends who are uber-liberals like me. I have many who lean conservative in some ways. But in this election, as I see it, it's more than just the divide between liberal and conservative viewpoints. It is literally, in my humble and quite experienced opinion as a mental health professional, the difference between sane and insane. There, I've said it. That's right. If you are a Trump supporter, I consider you to be crazy. Clinically and probably dangerously crazy.

The shocker I'm experiencing is seeing pro-Trump shit or anti-protester stuff being spewed forth on the internet by friends of mine that were down-right hippy-dippy leftists.

My friend Wayne, who I admit, since becoming a family man in the late nineties has grown more and more conservative as the years have gone by. But this guy was my bestie roommate in the early nineties. We were two "wild and crazy guys" at the clubs. But we weren't trying to hook up with the "foxes" like the Czech brothers characters of early SNL fame, no we were after the "D." Yes, by "D" I mean dick.

As I've remarked on this blog in FLASHBACKS and other posts, he was quite the flamboyant queen too. He was the most socially liberal person I've ever known. But now...he posts on his Facebook timeline about God and Family and shit. Of course his family is made up of his male significant other and their two adopted kids but they nevertheless probably all fold hands and say grace before meals like any God-fearin' devout straight family would. He hasn't come right out and admitted he voted for Trump but he didn't seem to like Hillary and I don't think he "felt the Bern" so...

Other friends are more forthright and defensive about their sudden Trump insanity.

Claudia, the woman who took me into her house as a friend of our mutual friend Chris back in 97. Just after the New London Syndrome. Remember, the crazy house with, at times, 5 adults, 1 child, 8 cats and 1 dog. Yeah that house. She was a late-nineties flower child-like fag hag in-training. Fast forward to this week and she's chanting with the rest of the Reverend Sun Myung Trump and his Wackjob Loonies "Make America Great Again!"

Patricia, one of the Veritas Ol' Gang back from my days at Symantec. I seem to remember she was very enthusiastic about Obama becoming President. Guess that enthusiasm waned over the years. Or, maybe someone smacked her over the head and caused brain damage making her into a bat shit crazy lady 'cause now she's been sippin' the Trump Kool-Aid and blasted out at her Facebook friends who are against "Fearless Leader" (no she didn't call him that but it sounds like she might think it).

These are just a few examples and only of the friends I have on Facebook. I've been shocked by revelations of Trump Fever plaguing co-workers who I thought were sane as well.

It's like some weird Twilight Zone episode where you slowly find out that nobody is who you thought they were.

Or maybe, just maybe, especially in light of the Russian hacking involved in this whole mess, that it's like the Charles Bronson movie "Telefon." The plot of the action-suspense film is simple yet chilling...average everyday Americans, living normal average ordinary lives, suddenly get a phone call and the caller says a line from a Robert Frost poem and it triggers a deeply buried identity embedded in their subconscious years earlier. They're all Soviet sleeper agents and the phone call activated a Manchurian Candidate style program wired in their mind sending them on suicide missions to sabotage American military and infrastructure to ready the country for a surprise invasion by the Soviet Union.

It sounds crazy, but maybe that's it. But in this plot, the sleeper agents help the Russians install a puppet leader but only to end up with the same final result: invasion and conquest of the United States of America.

Well I better start brushing up on my Russian now. It's just a matter of time now.
