SIMS CREATION: It Better Happen

Or we're truly screwed.

Back in late '07 I created a pretty good version of the White House in Sims 2 and put Hillary in it. At the time, everyone, including the writers of a famous Halloween sketch done by SNL thought she was a cinch candidate and the race between her and any others just wasn't much of race at all. But then Barack Obama surprised everyone by gaining in the polls and subsequently winning the nomination knocking presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary out before she could even get running.

When I got Sims 3, I made an even better version of the White House and put the ultimate winner of the 2008 race and his wife Michelle in it.

Both those White Houses are long gone I'm afraid. Too many computer upgrades and replacements along with newer Sims versions means they live on only in my memories now.

But this Sims 4 creation still exists. Well, on the EA Sims Gallery that is. My original version went kaput with my Dell hard drive sometime last year. I guess I could download it if I wanted to. Here are some of the snapshots taken from the Sims Gallery. As you can see, even though I made this version way back in 2014, I knew she and Bill would be back and happily it's now just a day away.

But my hubris and precognition has failed me before so I'm a little worried that I might jinx it. I refuse to make a Donald and Melania since if they win I'll be living far, far away from humanity in a little cabin in the desolate woods of Upper Manitoba.

And here's my new home if they don't make it: