Shocked And Awed


How the fuck did this happen? This is unbelievable. Who are these people who voted for this guy? And in vast numbers. Compared to the polls and how the anchors were blabbing earlier tonight, the actual results are a freakin' landslide in comparison. For a blowhard who has never held any public office or served in the US armed forces at all. Where are these idiots? Though apparently a majority of my fellow Floridians and residents of my home county, Seminole, are all supporters of his. Literally everyone I know and speak to or read Facebook posts on or even hear about have been anti-Trump since the beginning. Not all pro-Clinton, but not for Trump. I'm totally at a loss.

When W won by that sham of an "election" in 2000, I had no one to blame but myself almost literally since I lived here in Florida and as you may recall, it all came down to Florida then. And when he won I didn't like it being a liberal Democrat, but I had actually liked his father in the late eighties and voted for his father so I gave W benefit of the doubt, especially as he was, comparative to this race, a relatively unknown person. He won in 2000 and again in 2004 because the country was in a more Republican leaning frame of mind in general and W while an idiot didn't seem that threatening.

But Trump! He too is an idiot but a dangerous puppet master idiot. He's gonna run this country right into the ground and as he's failing he's gonna do the inconceivable and not relent, but double down and we'll either end up in total economic collapse, ostracized and isolated by the rest of the world or we'll be frying in the wake of an all-out nuclear war.

Expectations are that the market later today will open and the DOW will plummet. This is bigger than the Brexit issue many are comparing this too. The effects of this decision "America" has made will be felt way sooner than anything Britain will experience as a result of their slow withdrawal from the European Union.

Oh he was reading the teleprompter pretty well an hour or so ago when he congratulated Hillary for her years of service but his blood-thirsty mob of semi-literate hillbilly fanatics will demand he go back to his "put her in jail" rhetoric quickly. And he'll be happy to oblige. I don't buy it for one minute that he'll lead by consensus and assemble a team of experts who he delegates decisions to. He thrives on total control and likes to thwart the naysayers and caution-mongers.

Michael Moore called a months ago on Bill Maher's show that he thought Trump would win and just earlier last night he was on NBC saying that people who voted for him were blinded by their bitterness and were being conned by a master con-man who knows he can't deliver anything he promised. And, Moore predicts, many of these duped minions will soon wake up to that fact in a few months after Trump is in the White House and either reneges on these pie-in-the-sky "aspirations" or simply fails to pull it off.

The smoke will clear and the mirrors will shatter and Trump will be exposed for the charlatan he truly is.

Reddit reports that the Canadian immigration web site tonight is suddenly down "for some reason." Yeah, it's my fellow logical and sane Americans that are high-tailing it outta this crazy country.

I gotta order my Echo Dot featuring voice-activated search capability so I can get going on my Manitoba cabin in the woods...