
I voted by "absentee" (mail-in) ballot a couple of weeks ago. In Florida, any registered voter can do so and frankly since you don't have the hassle of the lines, the ugliness of the litter of pamphlets, posters and signs and the possibility of having to vote in a building you'd rather not be in (see my experience in 2008) I have no idea why almost everyone doesn't do it. But I only found out tonight after reading an article in the Orlando Sentinel that I voted incorrectly.

Not for the office of President and Vice-President, that was a freakin' no-brainer, but on the first amendment option on the Florida Constitution. Here's how it's worded:

This amendment establishes a right under Florida's constitution for consumers to own or lease solar equipment installed on their property to generate electricity for their own use. State and local governments shall retain their abilities to protect consumer rights and public health, safety and welfare, and to ensure that consumers who do not choose to install solar are not required to subsidize the costs of backup power and electric grid access to those who do.

So reading this, I thought it was pro-solar/alternative fuel. Yes, down with fossil fuels. Protect our environment and decrease our oil dependence. Save the Earth. All that, right? That's what it sounds like in the first sentence.

But it turns out, this proposal is actually anti-solar!

If you read the whole thing and understand its meaning, which I didn't do when I voted, its actually saying "Hey, you want solar? Great. You pay for it and get no help from anyone else." No subsidies, possibly no tax relief and perhaps even limitations on access to the greater power grid. It's a big "Fuck You" to solar advocates.

And I stupidly voted for it.

This deception in wording is under fire from solar power and is under review by the Florida Supreme Court as to it staying on the ballot in its current form. It's alleged it was purposely worded to mislead people (re. me) into believing they were voting for something in favor of the expansion in the use of solar energy.

Filling our sunny skies with the invisible yet malevolent effluence from evil places like the Stanton Energy Complex isn't enough for the big oil and coal interests, they need to confound us and trick us with word salad chicanery, gall darn it!

This is ridiculous! How can a state with our nickname be against solar?

I see you twirling that mustache you scoundrel!