...And Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite

Remember the days when saying that good night bidding was just an olde tyme phrase which was meaningless in the late 20th century developed world?

Well not anymore. Like so many other things that have gone downhill over the past few years, the relative freedom from pesky bed bugs is long gone. We've all seen the news reports over the past decade or so...bed bugs are back.

And now I got 'em.

Must have tracked them home from here at work where several residents have had infestations in their rooms and apartments. Or maybe the mattress I slept on last Friday when the hurricane blew by and I was stuck here for the day.

I got bites all on the inside of my right arm, from palm to pit, some on the right side of my belly and just a few minutes ago felt the itch of at least one on my left arm.

This all started yesterday, it would seem. That's when I first noticed them. The bites that is. I haven't yet seen one single bug. Oh yes, I've seen them here but not at home. But now that I'm reading what I'm typing it just dawns on me.

What if they're not at home?

I mean, I stripped my bed down and it's pristine. The mattress is a really tightly woven one from IKEA. It even has a zipper so I looked inside where the stuffing and spring coils are. Nothing. The bed frame is IKEA as well with cedar slats instead of a box spring. Clean hardwood and metal...that's all I see. I vacuumed the whole bedroom and closely examined the sheets, pillow cases and comforter. Not even a spot of blood or a speck of bug poop. Just a few flecks of grey dust dots from the admittedly dust-clogged Lasko tower fan. What if the bugs are here, in this desk I sit at? Right now my right arm and side is touching the desktop. But then question would be, why don't I see them here?

Nah. Wishful thinking really since it looks like it'll be, from what I've read, a real pain to get rid of them at home. My lease has a bed bug addendum which I think means they'll treat my apartment but it's the hassle of having to have them come in and do so during my normal sleep time. And I'm working mad hours now with Tosha gone so I need my sleep.

Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to mention that. Tosha didn't show up for her shift last Thursday when the storm was approaching even though we all had received a written notice about the need to be here for our shifts or it would cost us our jobs. Well they enforced it on her alright. So now she's out and they're scrambling to get a replacement so in the meantime...beaucoup overtime baby!

Just as well. I'll need the extra cash for all the hydrocortisone cream I need for these damn itchy bites.

Wherever they're coming from.

EDIT: Update: As of 5:20 am I noticed that indeed I am being bitten here at work. And upon closer inspection of this desktop I'm sitting at I found this little bug. It's not a bed bug. It's way too tiny. I think it's a flea! No, I checked again and compared to pics online of both...it's a fucking bed bug. Looks like a 2nd instar (stage) nymph. Are they in my clothes? Are they here only or at home too?