Back To The Island

Ever since reinstating my Netflix membership a couple weeks ago I've been consuming most of my viewing time on it by binge watching an old favorite. "LOST" the awesome ABC TV series from a decade ago is just as phenomenal a second time.

One thing I've noticed these past 60 or so episodes I watched so far this go round is how many I've never seen. I thought I was a rabid Lostie back in the day. Ric used to ridicule my devotion to scheduling activities around its broadcast. I remember basically quitting the cruise ship sales place back in 06 because it cut into my LOST viewing (well, technically, if you remember, I was fired but I was hankerin' to get fired frankly).

Another nice thing about seeing it again is watching it in beautiful 16:9 HD. No last decade CRT.

Does it hurt the suspense much knowing what comes next? Not really, 'cause when you factor all the episodes I never saw, the ones I did watch but forgot much of (for one reason or another) and the extremely intricate plot and all the details which make it hard to keep the story straight in my memory, it really is like seeing it fresh and new.

What's more is the fact I can be really analytical and see something and say: "That's why such and such happens in an upcoming episode!" It's especially important when thinking of the ultimate outcome of the whole series with the final episode controversial total revelation. I won't spoil it by saying what it is but now I see that instead of being dumbfounded and shocked, I should have seen it coming all along. The hints are in almost every episode.