Fuck "Pray For"

Found this image on Twitter this morning in the wake of yet another fucking violent attack on innocent people.

I think the person who put this up is as sick of this fucking cycle as I am.

So to be honest, if all you can do in response to these horrific events plaguing our world these days is ask people to Pray for the Victims, start thinking about how fucked up that is. Let's face fucking real, hard cold facts people, prayer and the belief in some mysterious unseen protector is the biggest part of the problem, not the solution. You need to wake up and realize there is no god and your continued belief that there is makes you not just an idiot, but a terrorist yourself!

Stop poisoning the minds of those around you susceptible to this shit! Especially the children! If I had my way, child protective agencies would screen parents for religious beliefs and if they practice or communicate any of these ideas at all, their kids would be removed from them immediately.

The flag at the entrance to my apartment complex just recently was raised back to full staff after being half staff for over a month now what with the shit here in town then the killings in Dallas. Well, I guess they'll have to lower it again. In these day and times, maybe we should just permanently leave it at half staff.