In Elite: Dangerous, if you are the first player to discover a star, planet, asteroid field whatever, your username is noted as the first discoverer* and whoever visits that system from then on will see your name.
This video highlights one of my grand tours of the area of space outside of the "bubble" and as you can see, makes me a cool 1.4 million in profit by selling the cartographic data.
If you're ever in the regions named in the video as I'm acknowledged for my exploration efforts, drop on by and know my name is Ozymandias.
*An explorer only gets credit for the discovery if he makes it back to a station and sells the data. There well could be some tragic earlier ones who scanned my systems, but history will never know.
This video highlights one of my grand tours of the area of space outside of the "bubble" and as you can see, makes me a cool 1.4 million in profit by selling the cartographic data.
If you're ever in the regions named in the video as I'm acknowledged for my exploration efforts, drop on by and know my name is Ozymandias.
*An explorer only gets credit for the discovery if he makes it back to a station and sells the data. There well could be some tragic earlier ones who scanned my systems, but history will never know.