Will Claire Talk To Us Too?

The very last beat of the very last episode of the recently-made-available Season 4 of House of Cards shows Claire looking right at us as Frank tells us their upcoming Machiavellian plans as they prepare for the "total annihilation" of their enemies. How devilishly delicious. So does this mean Claire will also engage us in future episodes? I'm not sure the interaction Frank has had throughout the series qualifies as "fourth wall breaking" since it's not the actor Kevin Spacey addressing us as he looks directly into the camera in the midst of a scene; he stays in character and it's Frank who matter-of-factly confides in us as if we are his delusion of a trusted invisible accomplice. Yet other characters in view don't react to this...until Claire unmistakably did at the above mentioned end of the season finale.

I have a feeling they won't have both of them doing this gimmick since it'd be, in my opinion, a bit too much. But it was nice to have at least a glance right at us, in that pivotal last shot that I think is an ominous precursor to what likely will be the most explosive season yet: next year's Season 5.

The storm clouds are really rolling in now for Frank. Nothing new, of course, and he's whooshed them away in the nick of time before. But the issues boiling over are old ones. And arguably the most volatile ones.

Thank you Netflix for this incredible series.

And Claire, if we're your new invisible friend from now on, can we ask the indelicate but burning question? When you and Frank win the election, how long will you wait before you kill him off and become the President yourself? Oh c'mon, you know that's where it's all headed.