Walk On Through The Dark

Walk on
Walk on
Walk on though the dark
But you'll never walk alone...

Well, alone I am, but walking...not so much.

I developed a pain in my right ankle a couple days ago and it's failed to get better. Oh, it's fine if I don't put any pressure on it, but when I try to walk...

Oddly, after I get moving and endure the pain for a while it seems to get better and as long as I remain on my feet and walking the pain starts to fade away. But once at rest, it's back, and with a vengeance.

I'm sure it's just a sore tendon or muscle and not really joint related. It's not gout or arthritis, I know what they feel like too. I won't pay it much mind. But if it weren't for its timing, I would likely call out until it feels better even at rest since I think that walking around on it may provide temporary pain relief but it can't be good for overall healing, right? I'm not sure. I have noticed my legs and feet do their own thing in relation to the rest of my body when it comes to healing injuries and wounds. Basically, it takes forever for even a small scratch to heal, nevermind something internally like this. Diabetes is real, I guess.

The timing is bad because I've just started my twelve day marathon at work and when it's all said and done, I should see some 26 hours or so of overtime/holiday pay. That's about $640 EXTRA added to my December 11th paycheck. That week should see the distribution of the Holiday bonus check as well so....yeah.

So I will overcome the pain. I shall march on. For God and Country? Fuck no...for the money! #PoorLivesMatter