La Guerre Ne Change Jamais

So since I sleep during the afternoon, I was unaware of what happened in Paris when I went to work last night. But when I flipped open my laptop and went to reddit, my current de facto start page of sorts. I saw a post about some hockey arena done up in red, white and blue lighting. At first I thought it might be some American commemoration of the recent Veteran's Day holiday, but then I read it was the French tri-colors and comments alluding to some terrorist activity that had gone down.

Oh shit, my stomach was in a knot and I was feeling a bit dizzy. "What now?!" I thought.

These are the times we live in, my friend.

I clicked over to CNN and read about the attacks. That same feeling of utter despair and woe came over me, just as it had back during 9/11.

It made me think about two of the recent activities I've been wrapped up in this week. On the one hand I'm currently playing a computer game all about brutal survival in a dismal post-apocalyptic Boston of the future. Yes, an altered-timeline future, for sure, but still eerily possible in many ways. On the other hand I'm also playing a lot of another video game where I pilot a spacecraft and visit star-system after star-system filled with billions and billions of people. A galaxy wherein humanity's technological achievements make zooming from planet to planet as easy as driving to your neighborhood grocery store.

I think it's pretty obvious we're never gonna make it to the stars. It's better odds we'll be plucking radiation-infused, scrawny tomato-like fruits off withering plants and living in wreckage and debris.

Until the last, sickly, starving survivor dies, praying in futility to his god who, of course, isn't, and never was, there to hear him. Allahu Akbar. Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu. Glory be to God. It's all the same. Just means "I'm a stupid, stubborn fuck who'll kill everything in "Your" name until there's not one motherfucker left"

Too soon? No, too late. *Drops mic.