Patience Is A Virtue I Don't Have

For months we've been fed the hype...

Windows 10 is fabulous! Windows 10 is the best OS ever! Windows 10 is better than sex!


So "release date" comes 'round just this past Wednesday and though I opted to request it through the task bar icon weeks ago, nothing happens. At work, Kym is at the other desk and she's got both her laptops chugging away, upgrading to Windows 10 on both within a couple of hours. I click on the icon...and I get a dismissive message saying I needed to wait my turn patiently.

Wednesday turns into Thursday turns into Friday and still nothing. At home, my desktop has evidently tried to upgrade and failed according to the Update History Log. More than once! But it too just says I should wait. Just wait your turn you entitled fuck, it mockingly flashes to me.

But I am entitled! Microsoft and I go way back. Back to DOS 5.0 and 6.0 then Windows 3.0, 3.1 and 3.11. And waiting to get into CompUSA in Cranston, RI at midnight with John Chiafalo at the Windows '95 release event, seeing a big screen projection TV live broadcast of Bill Gates announcing the launch while the store employees let us stark raving geeks bust through en masse grabbing those sky blue boxes as fast as we could. Yes, we go way back...

But wait a minute...

Maybe the relationship wasn't so good for Microsoft as much as it was for me?

I mean, of all those software titles above I just mentioned, I paid legally for exactly how many? Um, none. That's right, I had bootleg copies of all of them. Even the Windows '95 event John and I attended...well, heck, we weren't there to actually shell out a hundred bucks for any of those pretty blue boxes. We just wanted to be witness to the spectacle! Of course we waited a month or two and hit up the Chinese guys and their wide assortment of jewel-cased $10 homemade CD-ROMs at the next tech fair.

Sick of waiting for them to come around, I decided to force the upgrade last night on my laptop. It crashed during download after over two long painful hours of downloading, then it crashed an hour after that during installation. So now I'm on the desktop, at home, downloading the ISO file to a flash drive so I won't have to endure the unbelievable slow download again. Yes, even here at home with my Lightning 75 Mbps it still took over two freakin' hours to download!

But about 20 minutes ago it finished its download and it started mounting it to the USB drive.

And just finished. Finally!

The final message says to remember to have my licence key when ready to install. Of course that's for a clean boot install. I'll be installing from within this Windows 7 environment so it'll actually be an upgrade and, according to everything I've read online over the past week or so, it won't need a licence key and will be FREE!

Let's cross our fingers! Getting ready now to continue the long legacy of getting free shit from Microsoft! (This time legally though!)