To Boldly Go...

Well, where many have gone before, I would expect. Especially since all the episodes for "Star Trek: The Next Generation" were made available for streaming on Netflix.

I'm in the midst of binge-watching all 176 episodes and though I'm only about halfway into Season 2, I'm surprised at how many episodes I either never saw or have forgotten. When starting this I thought I'd be re-watching most of the shows I'd already seen both during its first run and in its several rerun iterations throughout the past 28 years.

Observations so far: Amazing how well much of it still holds up. Yes the special effects are rudimentary and there's practically no CGI like the technology of today would enable a sci-fi show, but then again, that doesn't ensure quality if almost any recent Syfy Channel show can attest to. Oh and the 4:3 aspect ratio is a bit awkward. I like most people nowadays, I guess, have gotten used to (been spoiled by) 1080p HD in 16:9 format.

It brings me back to the late eighties, anxiously waiting for the next episode to air. I guess why I might have missed so many back then could be due to the fact I was working evening schedules for the most part in those days. And I always forgot to schedule my VCR to tape the shows for me.

I'm watching each episode with my Kindle tablet set to the Wikipedia and IMDB pages for each episode to add to my knowledge about the episode. It's especially interesting to find commentary and reviews of the episode from some two decades after original air-date, like Wil Wheaton's take on episodes he re-watched in the early 2000s.

Yes I'm sure many a Trekkie geek has done this journey through the episodes in sequence but it'll be a first for me. How long will it take? Hopefully it won't turn out to be a Five Year Mission!