Do you remember where you were on July 8th, 2005? Well, I do. I was sitting at the little white desk in my (then) bedroom on Helmsley Court back when I was rooming with Ric at his newly bought condo. On that desk was Mildred X, a putty-hued Intel Celeron with 256Mb of RAM, a 14" CRT SVGA monitor and 40 Gigs of hard drive space. And on that computer I was enjoying hours of fun playing Civilization III, The Sims and Locomotion when I wasn't cruising the "Information Superhighway" via NetZero and my 56K baud dial-up modem. OMG! How times have changed.

And on that day I staked my little claim on a free blogging website called Blogger and begat this blog. And though I've had my share of ups and downs over the years, I've kept this thing going. I never lost the vision I had for this thing. 

So as I hoped for in my very first post, I have indeed accomplished what I envisioned to be the 21st century equivalent of my school days' "Time Reports." Only, unlike them, they're not lost over time. They're all still here, safely in the bowels of some super secure Google server farm in some ultra secret location. And available to me and the rest of humanity, anytime of any day, for the rest of eternity.

Looking up again at the picture header for this post, I'm thinking it kinda looks like an epitaph "2005 - 2015"...like as if this blog is dead and we're remembering it fondly. Not on your life. Blogging may be somewhat passe and unfashionable today but I'll definitely keep it going. Right along side my fellow bloggers posting about their belly-button lint collection, their ugly Christmas sweaters or simply the daily escapades of a teen-aged girl in Singapore. (Oh the Singaporeans love their blogs!)

Blog on, Kode, blog on! Here's to the first 10 years and at least 10 more. I relish the day in that future time when I celebrate the 20th anniversary, mockingly reminiscing about Mildred XIV and her pitiful Intel i7 CPU, 8Gigs of RAM and a measly one terabyte of hard drive space.