Have you ever thought..."If I could go back in time to a younger version of me, what year would I choose?" I think for me it may be 1977. I'd be 13.

Now of course I'd want to be 13 in physical age but with all the memories and experiences stored in my head of my present self. I mean, if you're gonna play the game, of course you'd give yourself the best one-up anyone could have...knowledge.

Think about it...I'd have all of my life to look forward to, but with all the knowledge of what to avoid and what to exploit. I'd be young and healthy and I'd know what habits to avoid to stay that way for as long as I could.

Yes I'd be living in the crazy house that was my upbringing but with everything I know now, plus the advantages of being able to know certain events that have yet to occur, I'd make high tail outta there and make my own way. Bummer is, I'm only 13 and how could I get away with being totally free. No one would hire me, no one would take my stock advice seriously no matter how much I spewed "Apple! Apple!" and I'd have to go to school. Unfortunately my 51 year old knowledge would crumble when tasked with Advanced English Grammar, Basic Algebra, Fundamental French, Earth Science (Geology) and Advanced American History. (I think these were my 8th grade courses) Presently, I butcher English grammar, can't remember algebra basics, know virtually no French, can't tell one rock from another and though I like history and was good at it, I'd have to study hard to remember all those dates. Instead of helping, my present day brain would likely get me held back!

I do remember one mental sticky note I recall from my French lessons and have kept that (mostly correct) all these years. The year 1977. We had to call out the full date each day in class in French, of course. And I remember the year was "Mille neuf cent soixant dix sept."

I was putzing around with Google last night and decided to once again do the old "Google long-lost childhood friends" game. Again was coming up with dead ends on most of the kids (now middle-aged adults, of course) I plugged in. But then I got a hit. With a recent photo. I knew right away even before confirming through other details that it was my old friend John C. The one I talk about in this FLASHBACK posted in 2008. By some measures, the one I "lost my virginity to."

This is what got me reminiscing about 1977. It was the last time I saw him and though we were just 13, I recognized his probably present-day face as his. Something about the eyes. And the way a face makes an expression, especially a smile. It can be someone you haven't seen in nearly 40 years and the recognition can be instantaneous. And wonderful. Oh the multitudes of "What ifs."