SIMS CREATION: The Brisbane Family Saga, Part Three

Life went on for Don and his son after Newton's death of course but it was a rough adjustment. Don was now a single parent and approaching his final days yet his son Rodney was still only a teenager. Luckily Don was in excellent health and got through the rough times of mourning the loss of his one true love, Newton.

And he lived on to see his son grow into a young man...

...and fall in love.


And again.

Rodney, having graduated an A student with honors, was able to land a good paying job in the tech field as a Code Monkey entry-level programmer and was soon promoted to senior programmer. And the years went by. Don was showing no signs of dying though he was now well past his expiration date. Then, one night Rodney came home to find the house empty. By the next day when Don had still not shown up, Rodney got really worried. He did everything he could to find Don. Don had been kidnapped by an unknown person and locked in a dark room alone for weeks. Eventually Don, unable to escape his captors, died in that little room, covered in his own filth. 

Now Rodney was alone.

Seeing no reason to continue on in the tiny little house the Brisbane's had called their home, Rodney sold it along with most of the furnishings. Combined with the inheritance from his two dads lifetime savings, he bought a lot on the ritzier Northside of town and built himself a beautiful new home.