I'm Back

And posting from my old Wednesday morning spot at the main desk with Mookie giggling away at something on one of her two laptops (I told you she was an uber-geek...many nights she's running two laps AND a tablet) as she sits at the other (formerly Shirley's) desk.

It actually felt weird at first. It took me WAY too long for me to do the overnite duty paperwork since I hadn't done it in two months. Two months. Man, it really felt like I'd been away for two years!

And even though I prepared for the circadian shift by sleeping extra hours Tuesday (pretty much the whole day) I'm finding these last hours before sunrise, traditionally the roughest for those un-used to the overnight shift, kind of challenging. Been yawning a bit, gotta be honest. I'll be alright in a day (er, I mean night) or two though.

The new duties do take a chunk out of my planned downtime too. But I figured as much in the beginning since I have so much of the foundation of the new stuff undone. Like those one-sheet inventory pages. What? Yes, yes, I know this makes no sense to you, I'm merely writing it to me, Though I expect in a few years I won't know what the fuck I was talking about either.

But oh the downtime I'm still left with despite. It's like heaven. Why did I ever want to leave this? I've read several of those time-wasting "15 great towns to visit for a day" and "20 things about your body you won't believe" kinda sites. Click mills or some such phrase? Fucking time killers, that's all they are. And the shit is usually so lame it makes you regret you ever were sucked in by their obviously scammy headlines like "25 pictures people took just before they died" shit. It was just photos of people doing crazy shit, not necessarily (and probably not at all) just before they died.

Played numerous games of Triviador. I freakin' love this competitive head-to-head trivia/strategy game. Gotta turn Ric onto it. He'd love it I'm sure.

Oh, and I caught up on Game of Thrones. I think we all could have seen this coming...Daenerys riding on a dragon. I would have thought a smidge Avatar rip-off but then I guess this was all written some two decades ago, way before Avatar. Plus they weren't dragons in Avatar.

Hmmm. 5:40. Still got 20 minutes or so before Synthroids. And since I did the "holes" report already and the shift report is pretty much done, we'll just be waiting around for the morning shift (my former friendly band of backstabbing, selfish, egotistic "co-workers").

Oh no bitterness here though. I'm insulated and immune to all that drama now. They can run around and squawk all day and go to their high school/prison chow lunches smelling the still lingering odors of what that employee breakroom over there once was a few years back. We know. They can play their games.

I'll in the meantime go on playing mine here on the Dark Side.