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Dong! Dong! Dong!

The clock has struck three.
And now I am free!
No carriage, no footmen, no glistening glass slipper
Just an old pumpkin and mice...and I couldn't be more chipper.

My fairy-tale (or horror story depending how you look at it) experience as the Med Manager has come to an end. The tiara has been passed.

My replacement is competent enough, albeit some of the concerns I mentioned before. But she's bright and can be focused when she wants to be. I just hope she isn't bogged down in the swamp of the Center's quasi-toxic atmosphere. And her revelation to me today probably will throw another monkey wrench into the mix...she found out just this morning that she's pregnant. She's, rightly so, all concerned about how this impacts her position. All I know is I made sure she didn't make any rash decisions today. I need to get back on my nights where I can squat stubbornly if she and her boyfriend decide to nix her new job in favor of the new baby plans.

I hope all works out though. I mean she does have months to decide on the future regarding maternity leave and her role at the Center, if any, after the child is born. She says her boyfriend is a cook at a nice restaurant and "makes good money" but cooks generally work nights and who will care for the newborn? Suzy strikes me as a bit traditional in that sense so I don't know if she'll keep the job then. I selfishly want her to stay since I won't have to reject pleas from management to return to the position if it suddenly becomes vacant again and, whats more, I like her. I think I feel closer to her than most everyone else that works there and I've been working with many of them for years.

But I can't plan on any of that 'cause it's outta my control. I can only focus on my future back on the overnights. My lovely, calm, stress-free, nearly-solitary future.

No Prince Charming but shit, I wasn't gonna find him during days either.