SIMS CREATION: The Brisbane Family Saga, Part One

Newton Brisbane moved to Willow Creek just after turning 18, occupying one of those quaint but cheap little shotgun-style single-bedroom houses down over in Daisy Hovel. He was young and ambitious. An artistic, bookish-type but with lots of social flair. He styled himself a bit Ashram groupie al la 1968 meets Prince al la 1984. In a nutshell, his look was a cherry-red moptop, Captain Morgan Van Dyke, gold-rimmed granny specs, and layering his slightly paunchy midsection was a mod/hippy ruffly, gold-chain-y purplish trench coat thing. He thought he was tres all that.

He got a job in the writing field working for some two-bit rag as a copy boy or something low pay like that. And he was living honest. No motherlode shit here, folks. Bought one of the cheapest furnished homes he could find with his 20 Gs and dealt with the constant nuisances of cheap shit breaking down and poor repair skills to get the shit working again. Lets just say there were many a night in those early years when he wanted to just crumble up and fall asleep dead exhausted on the grungy bathroom floor in a sickly pool of the leaky toilet's dank effluence.

He met several of the local girls running along the trail behind his house. Several more at the park and even went out to the night club in the town center. But despite what he thought were some pretty slick moves none of the chicks he hit up were buying. Katrina Caliente was one of the few that gave him the time of day and he tried earnestly to woo her. She was nice but I think she saw something in Newton that he hadn't noticed yet himself. Plus she was a tad old for him.

It was at that club that night he met and became friends with Katrina's housemate Don Lothario. Don was there with Katrina's two hottie daughters Nina and Dina and none-other than the darkly-vampish Bella Goth. Yes, the club was hoppin' that night with some of the IT CROWD's most-prestigious ol' familiar legacy families representin'. Oddly, despite the gaggle of super-fine foxes literally crowding him at the main bar, Don seemed only interested in chatting up Newton. Newton, a romantic type dude was polite but he was getting a little irritated with Don cause he was trying to make his moves on the ladies and rather than help a buddy out and act as wingman, Don was practically pawin' the girls away from him and Newton in order to get to know him better.

And the same thing the next night even though Newton had traveled to the the fitness center with Katrina. When Katrina, finally walked off on her own since Don wasn't letting her get a word in edgewise between the three of them, Newton was 'bout ready to throw a fit. But instead, he looked into Don's eyes and saw what he wanted. And something inside him started to stir. Things got so hot so fast they almost started to get down to WooHooin' right there in the locker room of the gym but discretion got the better of them and they went off on their separate ways.

That night, Newton couldn't sleep well at all, of course. "Was he gay?" he wondered? He'd never remembered being attracted to guys before but whenever he thought of Don, the situation got out of hand fast. Well, it actually got "in hand" if you know what I hem.

The next afternoon Newton called Don and asked if he wanted to go on a date. Don agreed without a second's hesitation and before long they were together in one of the main galleries at the town museum making out beneath the Van Goughs and Renoirs. Good thing it was a slow night at the museum.

Back at Newton's place they quickly got down to business. And though this all happened so quickly and could well have ended up just becoming an impromptu and soon to be discarded fling, their attraction for each other as people, aside from the lust, was growing in leaps and bounds.

Don left to go back to Oasis Springs in the morning, but only to pick up his toothbrush. One night was all it took. He agreed to move in with Newton and a few days later they were engaged. Before their mutual Young Adult to Adult-stage birthday's they'd impatiently eloped and said their vows to one another under the cheap light of the tiny, little kitchen in their tiny, little home. They didn't need any fancy fuss, they knew they were destined to be with each other until the end.

Sometime between the engagement and the ersatz wedding, Newton decided to go in for a drastic makeover. Now he sported a close-cropped head of dark brown hair with a neatly manicured five o'clock and traded up his grannies for some trendy 21st century specs. As he was trying on new outfits in the dressing room he saw in the mirror that his romantic bliss had obviously translated into some good eats as well since he was looking a smidgen more than paunchy now. He chose a dark grey and black vest combo to mask the growing flab. But Don didn't mind. He loved Newton no matter how he looked.

Those early years were filled with love, and lots (and I do mean LOTS) of WooHoos but not a lot of money. Newton got the occasional raise and promotion in the literary field, and once the skills got better, even some small royalties from self-published books that helped out. He even took up painting in hopes of selling a few pictures here and there.

But Don had fallen into the crime field. And I don't mean law enforcement. He was titled a "Mob Boss" but really he wasn't anything more than a two-bit punk petty thief, hangin' out with some decidedly moronic bozos. He didn't make squat and the risks were too great so he quit that job, worked on his musical skills practicing on his (well, actually Newton's) guitar and got a job in the entertainment line.

Things got slowly better with the money situation and soon they could replace some of the cheap appliances that kept breaking down for more expensive ones that...yup, also kept breaking down. They built an addition on the house and it gave them the room for another room. Though Don is shy about commitments and had a reputation as a love 'em and leave 'em guy in many people's minds, he and Newton mulled it carefully over and they decided to turn the new space into a children's room. Their child's room.

Some of the other kids at the foster home kinda snickered when they heard that Rodney was being adopted by "two dads." But Rodney has thought nothing but the most positive things of it since from the first day he'd arrived at his new home, his new dads were the most loving and caring people to him he'd ever known.

And so, this is where we are right now.

Rodney's been enrolled in the Willow Creek Elementary School and adjusting well.

Don is a part-time open-mic performer at the club but he devotes most of his time to Rodney and Newton. He's become quite the handyman and tends to those persistent breakdowns as quick as can be. He even built a beautiful deck on the side of the house complete with BBQ, umbrella tables, lounge chairs and a small swimming pool right in the middle of the deck.

Newton is nervous about being a parent and even though he loves Rodney so much, he finds that his rapid rise in both the literary and art lines of work are very time consuming. But it is pulling in the money. At this rate he'll likely give the Goths and perhaps even the Laandgraabs a run for their, well, their money actually. Or more accurately, the boasting rights of who has the most of it in this town. It's what Newton hopes at least.

But is this blind ambition too much for this young family to put up with? Will Don's notorious reputation start to become reality once Newton becomes too old, or too fat to stomach anymore? And what about Rodney? He does play a lot with that robot and says it talks to him. And he has been known to go for an evening swim after supper while Newton is busy writing and Don is strummin' out his sexy Latin tunes at the nightclub...where all the ladies still hit on him relentlessly. All those ladies....and perhaps a few of the dudes as well?