SIMS CREATION: TV Memories Series "House of Cards"

When the new season of "House of Cards" showed up on Netflix a couple of weeks ago I tried to pace myself and only watch each episode over a period of a few days a little at a time. But by episode 3 or so, I was like, "Fuck this!" and binge-watched the rest of the series in one long night. This season was just as great as the first two and had Frank really showing his truly evil core (spitting in Jesus' face was a shocker even for an atheist like me) except I was disappointed he didn't directly murder someone in this season. Oh, BTW, there are spoilers in this post, did I forget to mention? Oh well.

Here we have President Frank Underwood and First Lady Claire in the Oval Office. We'll see in season 4 how long they'll stay. And if Claire decides to stand by her man or goes through with leaving Frank. Oops! Another spoiler. In the famous words of another great Kevin Spacey character from the movie "Seven", " didn't know!"