Small Changes To ABIR

In the previous post, just published earlier this morning, you'll see I've put together my 7th annual end-of-the-year collage called "A Blog In Review." As always the pics represent selected posts to this blog over the past year broken down by month. Like last year, I've decided to omit labeling the strips by month since I think most people can figure it out...first strip is January, second is February and so on.

A few changes this year...

Not only are there more than four pics per month, but they're larger this year.

They no longer link to the month of posts, they instead do the standard thing when clicked on...they allow you to view the original strip in its larger size. If you want to display the posts of that month to hunt down what each pic represents, simply do so the usual way using the sidebar archive list.

The pictures are also unique this year in that none are from the original post. They may be a different version of a pic used in a post or something else altogether that also represents the post subject matter.

Also, just for fun, I made sure that each person or face in this year's review wasn't smiling. Frowning, sneering or just looking bored, but no smiles. It's not an indictment of the year like saying I hated 2014, on the contrary I thought it was a good year...just thought I'd give myself a challenge in finding similarly expressive photos.

I'm a little early in getting this up this year so there are a couple of pics for December's strip which haven't any posts yet. One of them, the "evil elf" is going up the morning after Christmas Day. That's right, I'm bringing the carnage count back!

By the way, FYI, do you know it took me almost 10 hours to complete this? And I'm using two really simple editors: Irfan View and, gasp, Microsoft Paint. Hey, it's easy, and gets the job it's free.