Places Everyone!

Finally after eleven months away I'm returning to the theater. I can't believe it's been so long. Not sure why, really, other than the fact I hadn't seen any email alerts, news or advertisements for shows I'd wanted to see. (Jersey Boys: Forget about it. Motown the Musical: No-town. Phantom of the Opera: Was great...the first three times I've seen it (four if you count the very similar "Love Never Dies")

But mainly, of course, I was waiting for the brand new Dr. Philips Center to be completed rather than endure even one more depressing visit to the horrible Bob Carr Theater.

The show will be the much anticipated musical comedy "Book of Mormon" and I think it'll be a hoot. The date I reserved is for New Years Eve. What could be a greater send off to this cloyingly Christian dominated "Holiday" season of phoniness and duplicity than an evening of good ole' heretical spoofing of one of the more twisted facets of this weirdo religion?

Of course I did have a bit of back-and-forth with myself over the decision to yet again break my self-imposed freeze on spending, but I had indeed been wanting to see this show for years now. When I found out that during one of the scenes the lead character sings out his secret wish and prayer advocating to God his desired placement to serve his missionary obligation was none other than here, Orlando, well, you know I couldn't resist. How cool it'll be as the actor belts out the name of his dream city and he actually happens to be performing in that city. I can't wait to witness the reaction.

Here's the number I'm talking about. The stuff about our fair "City Beautiful" starts at 2:17.