Could It Be...?

So I get a call on my cell a few hours ago and didn't bother getting up to answer it since I could see it was not from someone I knew. But looking at the number closer I realized it looked really odd. It was from phone number 999888777. Huh?

I just finished a search on Google and it pointed to a bunch of "Who Called Me" forum sites. You know, where people bitch and moan over telemarketing/collection calls and the like. Well I'm not the only one who got called by this number. Seems to have been happening over the past week or so to a lot of people. And all seemingly people with phones that have a Florida area code.

Most people report that they, like me, didn't answer it. Some tried to call back but got a service provider recording indicating it was not a valid phone number. Only 9 digits, see? Weird.

Many people state they did answer when it rang and the "person" on the other end either hung up, in most cases, or, others claim, they heard someone speaking an unintelligible language and then the caller hung up.

All I noticed, almost right off the bat, is the very odd sequence of the numbers and, like one of those sequential or differencial IQ test math riddles, what the logical next three numbers would be.


So the next 3 would be?

Like the Church Lady says: "Hmm, well now, who could it be...?