Fickle Finger Of Fame

Of course we know about the fickle finger of fate, but fame too has its own fickle finger. And when we're talkin' YouTube fame, it's REALLY fickle indeed.

Will and RJ have been griping again about the negative comments on their videos, oft times not even pertaining directly to the video's content but rather to viewers' perception of either Will or RJ's perceived flaws. Same old ones: Will is fat. Will (or RJ) is bitchy and mean to the other. They mistreat Dobby. They live beyond their means. They live off YouTube...a big one for many. I gotta say, my old fashioned traditional upbringing also struggles with the concept of how lolling around the house taking videos of yourself all day can be a real job. But maybe I'm letting my jealousy show. After all, doesn't vlogging sound like the easiest job in the world? Makes my current employment seem down-right grueling and oppressive in comparison.

The newest issue the guys are having is that someone is posting their home address again. Well this time it can't be traced back to me. I have nothing to do with it. Though it is cute reading the astonished viewers' comments thinking someone must have gotten ahold of their public records or account profiles or shit like that. Um, no, clueless one, it's actually much, much simpler. All you have to do is be very observant and very patient. Oh, and being really good at geography and map reading is gonna help a lot!

The recent illness of Dobby and possible MRI requirements are putting a strain on their YouTube financed budget. But like flashing the Batman symbol onto a dramatically darkened sky, YouTube fame came to the rescue in the guise of a Twitch live-stream "Dobby-thon" where the boys were able to raise $10K in a day. From their vlog shot that day, and their updates as the day drew on of the amounts raised thus far, I half expected Jerry Lewis with his greased down coif and persistently-refilled glass of scotch to come staggering in, exhale a softly curling wisp of Lucky Strike smoke and belt out a tearful rendition of "You'll Never Walk Alone." Will and RJ would look on this spectacle thoroughly confused and disconnected. They're too young to remember iconic '70s Jerry.

But, getting back to the crux of this post, they aren't TOO young in comparison to the newcomers in the very fickle YouTube young gay vloggers universe. A universe where Davey Wavey is a down-right Crypt Keeper and along with that other gay vlogging couple Billy and Pat are now in the soon-to-be-dead zone of over 30 elder gays. Even the reigning queen of young gay vloggers, the one and only Tyler Oakley can only go so many more years with his pre-teen girl entourage in tow. In other words, watch their numbers drop.

In the young gay vloggers universe, age will set you free. Free of subscribers, that is. Actually, come to think of it, it will do the same whether you're gay or not. YouTubers have always been a young crowd as far as average viewer age goes but it seems to be getting younger and younger. Founding father oldsters like Renetto who used to be cock of the YouTube walk have tried valiantly to make a comeback but as Father Time continues to do a number on them, the fewer and fewer teeny-boppers
are likely to stay interested. It's one thing to do stupid skits and have funny characters with silly voices but start to vlog real life as a mature adult and, well, you now just became their dad and they want none of that shit.

Will and RJ are starting to look haggard and frumpy when compared to the hot fresh young thangs around the YouTube corner like the much younger and adorably cute Matthew Lush and Nick Laws
or the unbelievably hot and super sweet Mark Miller and Ethan Hethcote. Just those two couples' chans have amassed a vast YouTube subscriber base in about a year. Like multiple hundreds of thousands, bitch!

But then there's the uber-youth segment. In other words, the video blogs of pretty little underage gaylings that make old fucks like me look down right pervy to even be watching. Like Pano T, and lohanthony. Oh my, if they only knew what I think of when I see their vids. Gulp. TMI. Now I feel dirty. But, it's a YouTube truism, that for whatever reason people are watching, the content provider should be very young and very cute. Lest they be relegated to that dark, dusty part of YouTube where nobody goes.

Soon, as time does its inevitable thing that it does, Will won't have anything to bitch about. There won't be many negative comments on their videos anymore because at first, the views will start to peter off and subs will tire of the minutia and elder 20s-ish adult shit of "those two old gay guys."

Then the videos will drop from daily to just occasional to eventually non-existent.

But hopefully they'll keep their catalog of videos public for future younglings to see what
it was like to be young, gay and almost YouTube-famous in the way-back decade of the 2010's.