Deja Vu

Last April, I posted "Day 13: 17 Pounds" not only reporting on my weight loss initiative's early success but my lofty and optimistic plans I'd laid out for the future. Well, here we are, almost a year and a half later and I'm right back there...on the thirteenth day of a new initiative having lost seventeen pounds so far. Only this time, I'm reticent to be so blindly confident of my steadfastness down the road. Hope remains high, but this all seems so very, very familiar.

According to my posts here and my diligent daily food and exercise diary on My Fitness Pal last go round, I remained within target calorie goals every day and ate low-carb, healthy food (salads, hot veggies, lean meats) until the 21st day (May 2, 2013) when I exceeded my caloric budget by eating junk food (Stouffer's French Bread Sausage and Pepperoni Pizza). The next day, I remained under budget, but ate food like pierogies with pasta sauce. Then, the day after that (May 4) I had the "Miller Time" problem I spoke about in this post. I didn't record the salsa and tortilla chips I describe chowing down on in the linked post above but that's because I threw it up. I did record the beer though...a six-pack of Henry Weinhard's India Pale Ale. This was Day 23.

Until this time round, I haven't been without a drink for that long a time since.

So it's been thirteen days sober this time. Will I even make it to match last year's record?

I start my California vacation in just 4 days...