And Then There Were Three

So now I'm down to my last three little blue and white capsules of Phen. I'm planning on keeping them to use as PRNs for those really tough days when I just can't control my hunger. And yes, it can get that bad.

I haven't logged any of my progress since I started this new initiative a month ago but to sum it up in a nutshell, I lost about 20 pounds so far which is not bad considering the shift away from my usual routine because of the trip and one true "slip" just two nights ago when I had four Stouffer's Veal Parmigiana entrees with an oil can of Foster's and a bottle of Chianti. Oopsy.

I think I'm back on track now but I know I'll be challenged again soon. And without my Big Brother Phen helping me in these schoolyard scraps I may get a bit ruffed up. (What a totally oddball metaphor that was!)

But I'll have the Trinity, which is what I think I'll call the three pills, just in case things get totally out of hand. All cower in the presence of my new god, the Phen Trinity.

In other news, I think I may have found my replacement apartment. Much closer to work and almost twice as big as my current apartment, it fits my budget and I think the complex looks great. I'll go Monday to check it out in person but if it looks anything like the model pics online, it should be great. Yes, BTW, I'm going to stay in Florida. The California visit helped me make up my mind. LA would be too much of an adjustment right now. And it may never be a good fit since the sharp disparity between rich and poor, the massively overpopulated urban sprawl and an equally oppressive summertime climate in comparison to Florida make it seem less than the utopia I was dreaming of.

Yesterday I bought the just released "Wasteland 2" sequel to the original granddaddy of classic RPGs which was also the spiritual precursor of the Fallout series. How many hours did I devote to the original Wasteland and the Fallout games that followed? Countless. So I expect my weekend will be entirely devoted to this new game. I may need a pill to help keep me awake so I can play non-stop.

And then there were two.