31 Years Ago

That was the first and last time I visited California. Not because I didn't like it, in fact I've been California dreamin' ever since. But today I'll finally make my long overdue return visit.

I got movies loaded on my Kindle for the plane trip, got my bag packed, got two phones, one just for taking pictures, and in a little while I'll download a copy of Duran Duran to reminisce about that momentous first trip to sunny SoCal.

As you can read about in detail in this FLASHBACK post, it was my first traveling vacation without my family, my first plane ride and my first experimentation with hallucinogens. The latter is not on the agenda this go round. I'm even trying to minimize drinking beer.

Like the Northeast Tour I went on last year, I plan to do a multi-post travelogue here, hopefully chock full of pictures. Watch for that sometime next weekend when I return.