I'm A YouTube Criminal!

According to YouTube, the Diagon Alley video I recently posted to my YouTube channel has copyrighted music. So I guess I'm gonna be thrown in the slammer!

Well, not really. But they did send me this "friendly reminder" with the ominous "don't worry, we won't delete your channel" statement. Translation: "Do what we say or we WILL terminate your channel, peon!"

So what do I do? Remake the whole 20 minute video, this time with some really awesome music provided by a royalty-free, creative commons composer. So take that UMPG Publishing! Which is Universal, by the way. So Universal is bitching about background music played over their own PA system at their own theme park on an amateur video showing fan love of their shit which could entice some viewer to book a vacation to see their attraction bringing them money!

Here's the new-and-improved version. It only took one hour re-editing, half-an-hour rendering and three hours uploading. Ugh! But, at least it gave me the opportunity to edit it a bit tighter, including correcting the aspect ratio: