FLASHBACK SPECIAL: Day Runner Notes, April, 1998


4 - GLCS 2-5 Out w/Lee Lost in Space @ Downtown Disney  This was kinda a date with Lee but by the end of the night, at least I knew it wouldn't be going anywhere. He wasn't "that" bad but I found him boring and a little petty. Add that to his lumpy Droopy Dog looks and it was the clincher.

6 - Start day as supervisor. This was my first venture back into management since my demotion from Gaskill St. Assistant Manager back in '93 so I was a little apprehensive hanging my hopes and efforts on a management career again. And at a call center. Talk about shaky foundation. Places like DM go through managers like crazy.

8 - Bev out, Roger in. The Branch Manager of Orlando III, Bev, who approved my promotion just a few days before was replaced by Roger the ABM (Assistant Branch Manager) of the night shift. This quick jump up irritated the day shift ABM who felt he had more qualifications for the promotion. that guy? None other than my soon-to-be-bud Jay Richard. And his ire towards Roger never really settled well, even though Roger was now his boss. This would play to his eventual relocation to Orlando I (a few doors down) and then a quick termination.

9 - Other than a notation saying Happy Birthday to myself, there's this Delivery to Tampa C. Club crossed out like this. I occasionally used my Geo to make deliveries of cases of wine through Rich's job. Rich, not Ric. Rich was Claudia's boyfriend and Tascha's father who was also another of the roommates that shared our Metrowest home. He was the senior delivery coordinator for a local wine broker and I did deliveries for about $20 a pop for small orders that were a bit out of the way for the regular deliveries. Guess I either couldn't do today or it was cancelled.

10 - New license. 10am. SOBT & Holden. Get contacts. Delivered to Sushi.  When I hooked up with Evan a couple weeks earlier (remember the cops behind us on the road?) I lost my license so I got the replacement on this day.

17 - Interview 2pm w/Joe @ BCSC. So here's the thing. I'd just gotten promoted at DM but I wasn't making much since it was only part-time. I kept asking Roger when I could estimate getting a promotion to ABM and he gave wishy-washy answers so I decided to look into management options with other telemarketing companies. This BCSC was one of those places that comes up with various little scammy business models that do well for the short-term in an outbound call center model. In this scheme, the rep would call small business owners and try to get them to buy a web design and management package. But I got the feeling that even though I would be titled "management" I'd actually be doing the selling myself. This scam is common in boiler rooms. They either promise you'll make hundreds of thousands of dollars or you'll be the boss. Neither is ever true at all, of course.

20 - Got card for Mom. I actually still had a good relationship with my parents back around this time. It started falling apart after the start of the new millennium.

21 - Start day @ BCSC.

23 - Declined BCSC option. Don't know if I called out for the 21st or no-show and they contacted me or what? I know I dropped this scam like a hot potato.

25 - Tascha's B-day. I posted a very emotional FLASHBACK a few years ago talking about my time I was lucky to have with this beautiful little girl, Rich and Claudia's daughter. Here it is.

26 - Treasure Island, St. Pete. Hard to believe that as I type this I think I can say that this may have been the only time I'd ever gone to a west coast Florida Beach. It was nice, but let's face it, we're closer to the east coast beaches here in Orlando.

28 - Asked Howard out on a date. Howard was this cute Indian guy who worked at DM. The date wasn't all that impressive and like the date with lee earlier in the month, I knew it was over, relationship-wise, before the end of the night.