Riding The SunRail

Monday I took advantage of a free ride on the brand-new SunRail commuter railway here in the Orlando area. Opened to the public and running a regular weekday schedule since May 1st, there's no fare collection for the first two weeks and many other people not necessarily commuting to and from work were trying it out as well. And I do mean MANY other people. Some trains were filled to standing-room capacity during the first few days but the rides I got on were not too bad.

It was a great way to meet people. I sat with these tattooed country folk from Volusia County and then a threesome of "family" and struck up interesting conversations with both groups. It seemed like everyone was in a get-out-and-meet-someone mood.

I rode from the Sand Lake station just a half mile to the west of my house through downtown Orlando and to Winter Park. I joked that I went to Winter Park and had a free ride but paid $21 for breakfast.

These double-decker trains are smooth and have the potential to get up there in speed if traffic allows. Would have been great to have this ten years ago in the midst of the transportation nightmares of Koyaanisqatsi. Ah well.

Well enough of me talking about the train ride, how about you watch me on it: