
Actually, it's not even the monetary loss that stings, it's the feeling of complete violation.

I was robbed.

I clocked out Sunday morning feeling a bit weary since I've been working all these extra hours and slightly miffed about a mistake in my paycheck too. Ugh, of course the error was not in my favor. They owe me some $75 extra by my calculations. (Apparently others have had issues this past pay period...holidays and overtime hours always seem to befuddle John our Finance Director.) But that's another issue altogether and one that I have full trust will be rectified quickly.

I said my "Have a good days" to the day shift and shuffled my shit out to my car, including my laptop since it was finally my Friday and I was looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. I turned my key to open my door and noticed it was unlocked. Hmm, I left it unlocked, I thought. Odd, but not unheard of. I didn't think anything more of it until I noticed my little plastic container of Breathsavers mints, which usually sits in the bin under the center dash area that I use as my toll booth change receptacle was sitting on the floor in front of the passenger seat. I picked it up, went to place it back in the bin and noticed that all the change was missing. All except one thin dime that I now saw on the floor in front of my driver's seat. There was about $15 or so in quarters and dimes in there.

I immediately thought it must have been a resident that got into my car and stole it but a quick inspection found that the entry point of the thief (or thieves) was from the back. That fucking hatch.

I'd noticed a while ago that it doesn't automatically lock when you shut it. You have to remember to either manually turn the key after closing or push the hatch lock button on the dash once you start the car up. This is damned inconvenient and I caught myself forgetting to lock the hatch many times. This had been yet another time.

The thief climbed in through the back and unlocked one of the back doors. In the process, they had slightly damaged the felt-finished cardboard-like trunk cover (I have no idea what it's really called) that's suspended by little ropes from the hatch. Basically a decorative cover over the storage area behind the rear passenger seats. It now has two small tears in it from when the thief put their weight on it crawling (well, probably just leaning) through the back to unlock a door. I don't think a resident would go to these lengths so now I'm inclined to think it was some punks in the community who walked onto the grounds and ripped me off. I went back inside and notified everyone who were still sitting in the report room of the theft. Eric bolted to check out his car and it appears he's missing a money order he had sitting on his front seat.

Our facility is very nice and appears quite luxurious what with its lush landscaping and bucolic lakeside setting but it's unfortunately smack dab off of 17-92 in Fern Park, an area known for transients, strip clubs, head shops, dive bars, gambling establishments, no-tell-motels and just general Florida white trashiness. The business located just adjacent to the parking lot is called Pipe Dreams II, a flashy, tackily-ornamented head shop/XXX bookstore and video rental joint. I see lots of interesting characters come and go from there. And, I've had problems with skateboarding teens trespassing on our complexes property before who defiantly returned after I'd nicely warned them to leave. By right, our policy is to just call the cops the second we see them so they can discuss their midnight skateboarding parties in our parking lots with the authorities.

Luckily there was no other damage, it appears and Hulk remains looking fresh and new. The tears in the hatch cover thingy would never be noticed by anyone. Except me when I look for it bitterly from now on.

It's just such a feeling of violation and paints a dull gauche wash of disdain on society in general for me. I spent this weekend hunkered away from everyone, distrustful and cynical, feeling like the world is going to hell in a hand basket and I want none of it.

I guess I'll get over it soon enough. Surely I'll now park right up in front of the main building at work each night despite the idiotic restriction against it. "That parking area is for guests." we've been told. Really? Guests from 11 pm to 7 am? I've suspected the rule was really to prevent any oil spots from developing, marring the pretty asphalt since our well-off, Mercedes driving CEO likely assumes we general staff would have clunkers. For some perhaps, especially on what they pay us, but I've worked hard managing my pitiful finances well enough to be able to have a brand new car. It does not leak oil. It is Hulk, damn it! And thugs breaking into it makes Hulk mad!