Day 296: 27 Pounds



Awkward silence.

Well, I guess I'm really not Superman. Statistics apply and odds stack up.


Of course the next natural question would be: Do I follow the statistical majority and proceed ever-steadily on upwards back to the original start weight (305 pounds, if you remember) and in fact even exceed it a bit? That's what happens in reportedly 95% of those studied. Or so they say.

Where to place blame? Well as far as blame ascribed to a person, the cold, hard fact is it can only apply to me. But as far as what external factors came into play over the course of the past nine months? I guess one could start looking sternly back at the start of the unexpected shoulder pain which thankfully dissipated quickly enough for me to "get back on track" with my up-to-then regular exercise regimen, but instead of doing that I, well, just didn't. Then there's the new co-worker in place on the night shift with me soon thereafter who was reticent to agreeing on my little half hour jaunt to the fitness center (due to factors that would later come to spell her career demise at the Center) and, of course, the ever-so-steadily waning power of the once magical Mighty Phen Rainbow pills. And finally, there's Ol' Georgie/Mr. Hyde/the monkey on my back. As always.

Oh yeah, I forgot. This train of thought violates my only solemn rule set at the start of this tumultuous venture: No Excuses.


So as it stands right now, as far as the WABAC machine is concerned, Boy Sherman, it seems like we're only dialed back to May 2013. A month after we started this thing!

