Welcome Back, Old Pal

I'm reunited with my old pal Phen after a hiatus of about three weeks. Gee, seems like a lifetime ago. I'm using the supply of some twenty tabs I'd hoarded from the last refill and I have an appointment with Dr. Gohill tomorrow. The appointment was set in order to further investigate the cause and, quite importantly, the cure for the pain in my shoulder. But I'm going to admit to her that I discontinued the Phen too soon. I need to have it back. Oh man, do I ever need it.

Since the shoulder pain started, I've rarely gotten a good "days" sleep and with all the changes at work, it makes for a precarious situation with me grouchy, tired, and resistant to change. Never a good trio of behaviors in the workplace. Plus, I've delved deeply back into habitual and everyday drinking. Oh, and let's not talk about the hunger pangs. Uncontrollable and undeniable, I feel like I must stuff my face with the most high-calorie foods on Earth almost all the time.

Well, that is, until today when I went back on the Magic Rainbow. And the omission of it in my system for the past few weeks seems to have helped greatly in rekindling the original effects. I've only eaten a small turkey burger patty with about a quarter cup of Brussels sprouts. About 200 calories. And I'm satisfied. No craving for food for the past six hours.

But, unfortunately, I had some leftover beer. And this urge is harder to shake. The phen primarily targets the brain centers associated with food hunger, not the addicted mind bent on getting drunk. Mr. Hyde is too thick headed to be swayed by the mind-tricks of the Phen force.

So I have to guzzle my way through the remainder of this 18-pack of Miller Lite. Then I'll be on better ground and should be off and running.

It's for a new beginning! Glug, glug, glug! Ahhh!