Google Is Seriously Fucking Up The Internet

Why are they such dicks?

I understand corporations need to make money. It's their primary initiative. But why would Google think it is in the best interest of their bottom line to alienate its fan-base? Apple hasn't done this. It, in fact, treats its fan base reverently like they are the "in-crowd" of Warhol's 1960s Factory. The cool people.

The latest problem I have with Google is the constant annoying attempts they make to align your YouTube account with other Google properties like your general Google account and Google+, the confusingly forgettable social media Facebook-like attempt. The pop ups are obnoxious. I'm constantly mistreated since I choose to keep my YouTube channel as it has always been since 2006. They seem to want to have me change it.

How is this beneficial to their monetary concerns? True, YouTube has a notorious rep regarding the inane comments on virtually any video. And it would be understandable, as they may try to make the site even more profitable and perhaps "respectable" to try and diminish the sense of anonymity that some people enjoy in respect to leaving inappropriate or divisive comments. But as I've explained to Google before, my "cozmorio" username is very closely held by me as my online identity. It, for all intents and purposes, IS my online name.

Yet they continue to try to coerce me into changing my identity or linking it to a Google+ page which would be a waste of my time. It makes my use of YouTube more of a hassle than it should be and is starting to make me think I'd be better off not dealing with the site altogether.

Where's the logic in that?

Here's the most recent input I forwarded to them regarding this.

I doubt they'll get the message. I doubt a human will ever even read this:

Why this mania about changing my account on YouTube? I get harassed constantly by you to change my name or link my account to Google Plus. I wan't it left alone. Why is this not an option? You're alienating me, a perfect example of the demographic that got you to where you are. Like the old adage says "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." I don't want to use my "rel" name for my YouTube account since I use my internet name on it. As far as identity, my internet name, cozmorio, IS my true identity. It predates YouTube and Google. I was using this name on BBS systems in 1992. Don't even imply you have more "Net cred" than me. So, please stop with the constant pop-ups on YouTube. If you're gonna change my account, just fucking do it. I know you will eventually since you can't seem to leave well enough alone. But leave my faux invitation of empowerment out of it. I'm not drinking the Kool Aid willingly. You'll have to pry open my mouth and make me drink it.