Day 63: 37 Pounds

Hmm. I can't say I'm not happy that the plateau seems to have FINALLY been bested but I'm also a little perplexed at my weight over the past few days.

Coming back from my vacation and weighing-in at a slight gain, I figured that I'd have to get back to the grindstone to avoid prolonging the plateau or, even worse, continue to rise. But then I got sick. And I hardly ever get sick so I was a bit of a baby, pampering myself with some comfort foods and doing absolutely no exercise.

Now that my cold is breaking up and all that remains is a bit of sniffles, I see I'm actually losing at a good clip. Truthfully, the cold did hit me like a ton of bricks the first few days so I slept a lot and didn't eat much.

What with taking cough syrup, I feared it would elevate my BP too much to take the Phen so I held off of that for a couple of days. Didn't matter. The cold was extremely effective in wiping out any appetite. And when I did eat, even though it was bad-ole comfort food favorites like pasta, I couldn't taste anything so I ate only a portion of the small amount I made.

In any event, I'm at where I'm at, so that's that. :)

Another thought is that all the walking I did on my vacation had a slight delayed effect on metabolism and weight loss since I really feel my quads getting tight and meaty, like BINT when I walked, stepped and biked enough to actually have athlete muscled legs. This may have affected my BP too since it's down A LOT.

I mean it was actually low enough during my appointment last week for my doctor to decrease my Lisinopril to 20 mg/day and ELIMINATE my Amlodipine altogether. This is what I was hoping for aside from looking and feeling better...actually GETTING healthier and weaning off of these drugs for these morbid life-shortening yet reversible diseases!

So I'm now, as of today, 268. On the dot.

The going is slower now and if this chart showing the past 30 days is any indication, which it likely is, of how it will be from here on out, I shouldn't expect pie-in-the-sky numbers. Just good old fashioned "slow and steady wins the race." But rest assured. Win - I will.