FLASHBACK SPECIAL: Day Runner Notes, April to July, 1997

More calendar entries from the past.


1 - 9:00 Arraignment DUI charge County Court Vero Beach.  I was a nubbie back then to criminal processing but this was actually my Pre-Trial, which, since I plead out, effectively placed sentencing in the hands of this judge and at this time. My lawyer did nothing I couldn't have done myself. back then everyone advised me to get a lawyer so I did, but I later found out it was a waste of money since I didn't really need him. Not as a first-time offender with a pristine record.

3 - 10:30a Southwest Air. Back home to RI...home for just a bit more, that is.

4 - Have key chain project done, present to Barry. Barry was the owner of Capitol Real Estate, my "big" client. He wanted me to make up clear plastic key chain fobs with photos of the new homeowner's houses in them. I had the vision of how these could be produced but the material alone would have been prohibitively expensive as photo-realistic color digital printing was not cheap or easy. Back then with 1990's technology, of course. Nowadays, it's so simple non-technical people can do it on their own. 

7 - Start full time PC Logistics. The job...cold calling from a cheap list of moldy leads for IT parts and upgrades. Made my telemarketing days seem rosy.

8 - Call Lois Prout (401) 464-2580. I don't remember who this is or why I needed to call her. Maybe I should try her number now? I Lois, remember me from 16 years ago? No? Oh well.

9 - Upgrade Sullivan system to Win 95. Yeah, people were actually still upgrading to Windows 95. And, if I'm not mistaken, I think this guy was going from DOS! Oh I must have had many hours of counselling time planned up my sleeve for selling him this! Oh, and this guy BTW was a Cozmo's client (meaning my own, personal customer) which I had agreed to NOT do anymore (as part of a non-competition condition of employment) since I now worked in sales for another reseller. Oops, bad me! Tee hee. Oh, and what's more...I'm pretty sure the version of Windows I'd sold him was pirated. Ooooh, I was so bad ass then!

14 - CPR 6-8:30 Fabien. Obviously an appointment I jotted down well before I quit NRIARC.


1 - Move In Day. Wow. I skipped a lot of important stuff that went down from April 14th to this day. Well, to summarize those two weeks, I'd decided I hated the PC Logistics job so I just up and quit. An action that today would be labeled an "embarq." I was soured on the prospect of further computer sales and got really depressed. As I watched The Masters tournament on TV (the one where Tiger Woods first rose to international fame) I saw how green and spring-like it was in the South. Outside my window of my little room I saw how dark, grey, cold and ugly Rhode Island was. Something clicked inside me. I decided to move to Florida. Now there were a lot of other factors that went into that decision, most of which I'd already posted about but within two short weeks I'd gotten myself to this day, May 1st, in my new apartment in Orlando.

2 - Contact FL DMV re: work permit. My driver's licence had been suspended and would continue to be so for another five more months so I needed a work permit to drive.

5 - Start day DM - Orlando. The job I'd gotten as a result of my rapport with my old boss from DialAmerica in Warwick who vouched for me with the general manager in Orlando.


No entries. Must have been too busy working, right? Um. No, more like drinking and loafing.


1 - Shows a little sketch of a bottle labeled "XXX" with an international "DO NOT" symbol (you know, the red circle with the diagonal line bisecting it) over it. Obviously I decided to quit drinking. Gee, I wonder how long that lasted...(glancing down the page)...oh, okay, well you'll see in just a little bit...

7 - Victims Impact 6:30 - 8:30 national Safety Council - Primrose. This was big fun. Teary-eyed mothers and children of people killed in drunk driving accidents plead to an audience of us offenders to stop our evil ways before it's too late for some other innocent family. I understand the reasoning behind this but it was a little over-dramatic for my tastes and you could feel the utter hatred oozing off of some of the victims directed towards us. Um, don't "Minority Report" pre-judge me, lady!

16 - Another international "DO NOT" sign, this time with the letters "PPA" under it. I must have felt it was to blame for some side effects I guess. Looking down the page, I see I kinda needed it. Was starting to get chunky.

17 - HIV/AIDS awareness class 5 N. Bumby Red Cross. Why the state needs you, as a condition of your sentencing from a DUI, to attend this is beyond me?

21 - 214 Huh? 214? What's that mean. then I look ahead. Several days later on in the month have numbers...210, 206, 204, 206, 205. Weight! I was chunky and trying to do something about it. I was on a diet. I also see symbols near the weights of either a star or a circle. I remember this meant I either exercised (a star) or didn't (a circle) for that particular day. A proto, low-tech "MyFitnessPal" of sorts.

23 - Sprint interview NORRELL. I wasn't too enthusiastic about working at DM so what do I do? Look at doing another telemarketing job. Brilliant. Well, it would take many years for me to learn this lesson.

31 - 12-pk. (sad face). Hmmm. Looks like I'm off the wagon again.