FLASHBACK SPECIAL: Day Runner Notes, January to March, 1997

I was in my hell hole of a closet searching around for something a couple weeks ago and I stumbled across some pages I'd kept out of an old 3-ring binder hand held folio called the Day Runner system.

You see, kids, back before we had technology, people like me who liked to plan out their things-to-do used calendar planner systems like these where appointments and reminders and such were written down, by hand, using a pencil or pen (gasp!) on paper. Yes, paper! What were we thinking?! Oh the rainforest trees that gave their lives to our Yuppie hedonistic ways of the late 20th century! Oh the tragedy!

So anyway, long before anyone had heard of the term "carbon footprint" I used these and somehow, through all the moves and possession purges and shit that has happened over the course of the past decade and a half, I still have a few pages from the days of The Spice Girls, Titanic and the first Harry Potter book.

The following timeline details all the notations I had for each day I had made an entry throughout that year. Italics represent present day explanations for these entries:


7 - Dr. B, 10am for crown adjustment. I (probably psychological) thought the gold crown I'd gotten the month before was ill-fitting and causing an awkward misalignment of my bite. The doctor "drilled it down" a bit (probably imperceptibly just to placate me) and it seemed better thereafter.

11 - Used all Amoxicillin - some fluid still present. I can't remember what this referenced. Some infection I'd guess.

12 - C. Nordberg: 1 hour. I kept track (for billing purposes) of the time spent during my computer consultation sessions with my Cozmo's Gizmos clients. Carol Nordberg was a totally technophobic housewife from a small town in Massachussets (Bellingham or Blackstone, I think) who couldn't even double-click a mouse. Ugh!

14 - K. Valletta: 2 hours. I don't really remember this one. I think it was Barbara Valleta's brother or something like that. No doubt a member of her family. Barbara was a co-worker at NRIARC.

15 - Capitol: 2 hours. Capitol was Capitol Real Estate, one of my rare business clients I consulted for/provided software and hardware upgrades. They were the most eager customer as well, if I recall. If I had decided to stay in RI and actually work towards developing my business into a truly sustainable one, this could have been the client that would have got me there.

16 - Staff Mtg. 6:30 - 8:30. Though I used this day planner more as a note keeping, journal entry record keeper, I also used it as it was intended: as an appointment reminder.

18 - OT approved. Worked double at Elm St. 4:30 - 11 then 11-9. Oh how I liked those doubles. Really needed them to boost my meager wages into something more livable.

20 - Holiday. 7 hours paid off-time approved. Room begun. The "room" was my new digs living on the second floor of John Chifalo's house on Duke St. I cleaned it out, painted, furnished and decorated.

21 - K. Valletta: 1 hr. and book. 6:00/Holiday Ave. Another hour of consultation billing and a computer book sold. I don't remember what the 6:00/Holiday Ave. appointment was.

22 - Capitol: 2 hours plus mouse. Room completed.

25 - C. Nordberg: 1 hour plus book. 10A/Bellingham. Well I'm feeling now that 10A/Bellingham was the time and address for the consultation. So the Holiday Ave. note must have been K. Valletta's address. I really don't recall. I feel so Alzheimer's.

31 - Russ and Kim. Have form ready. Oh boy. Russ and Kim are my brother and his now ex-wife. They wanted me to be their newborn's godfather. The form mentioned is the paperwork I had to get a Providence area Catholic priest to sign off that I was "suitable" for godparenthood. I really had big problems with this. Kim assured me, knowing I was not a church goer, that I'd only need to give the priest a "monetary donation to the Church" (in other words, a bribe) to get him to sign the form. Oh brother! I REALLY had BIG problems with this.


9 - Kyle bapt. 12:30? Alright, so here's how it went down. I couldn't bear the thought of going against everything I believed in (or don't believe in as the case may be) and approach a priest to complete the form. The more I thought about it the more I hated the whole idea of the tradition of godparents to begin with. So I called Kim to let her know that I just couldn't do it and would not be Kyle's godfather. She was pissed, and though I didn't talk to him about it, I'm sure my brother was REALLY pissed at me. Kim had to revamp the baptism plans so lat minute that she couldn't find another godfather candidate in time so a girlfriend or relative of her's stepped in, and Kyle got two godmothers. I unfortunately damaged my already rather tenuous relationship with Kim and Russell even further, but I just had to stand up against hypocrisy. 

18 - Dr. B. 1:30


2 - oh Happy Day! :( 11:30 pm arrest time. My fist DUI. Read all about it here.

3 - 6 pm released from IRC jail. IRC is Indian River County.

7 - Contacted Bruce Smith Vero Bch. Attny. 1:00 pm My incompetent but thankfully harmless DUI lawyer.

10 - Called Florida DMV

11 - Called Ron Avila. Hired lawyer. Got estimate. Sent withdrawl req. for annuity, oh...and quit my job. Whew! So, okay, Ron Avila was the Sales Manager at the computer reseller in Attleboro I eventually got hired by. Estimate from Bruce Smith, the lawyer I hired on how much he would cost ($750) for which he only got part. Withdrawal req., I think was the request for dissolving my 403b since, as noted next, I quit my NRIARC job. I go into that here.

13 - 6:30 - 8:30 Staff Mtg. Fabien. Staff meeting at Fabien St. offices which I didn't really need to attend I guess since I was now just fulfilling my two weeks notice.

14 - 403? Arc. This note is an estimate of what my bi-monthly paycheck would be. Yes folks, I only made a smidge over $400 every two weeks take home pay. How did I live on that?

18 - 10 am PC Logistics. Dr. B. 1:00 Interview for new job. And more dentist time. Man, she loved my insurance. I paid no co-pay or anything so okay by me.

20 - Call Bruce Smith at 11:30a

24 - Last day at ARC. Boo hoo. Really. I liked that job. Very similar to what I do now.

25 - 11am Dr. B. I swear I was NOT having an affair with her! I just had really fucked up teeth!

28 - ARC plus accrued vaca time. Woo hoo! Rollin' in it!

31 - 7:30a Flt. # (never wrote it in) Southwest Air. Off to court in Florida.