SCRAPBOOK: October 1998 (and 1999), Halloween Dress-Up

Roger, my boss at DM, threw a Halloween costume party at his home in Polk County. I dressed up as Monica Lewinsky, complete with cum-stained blue dress. (I used sparkle-infused white paint)

My then roommate Claudia took these pics of me at our Spinnaker Road house before I set out for the party.

Here's a pic around that same time of our office costume party. I'm one of the "camper/victims" from that year's popular "Blair Witch Project." Roger is the guy in full blackface dressed as the QB of his fav team the Steelers. With the large African American employee population he fell under decidedly mixed reviews on his costume choice.

CORRECTION: This office party pic is actually from 1999, a year after the Monica pictures. Actually, you can see I had gained weight over the course of that year too.