
Merriam-Webster's describes confluence as meaning: a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point. This defines well what I've coordinated recently in regards to, once again, taking on the beast within.

I alluded to it in the last post. I'm at a confluence of perfect timing designed to give me the arsenal to defeat my enemy: myself. Well, at least that part of myself that perpetuates and fosters such "a terrible despite" towards my healthy progress in life. Namely, my abuse of food and drink.

Here's what's gone down:

Despite what I said in the previous post, my doctor did in fact do something to initiate a paradigm shift on Wednesday. Three important medications were added or tweaked to my drug regimen; all three having a singular goal: to get my weight down.

  • Synthroids were increased from 50 mcg to 75. This drug compensates for hypothyroidism, the decreased production of thyroid hormones which help regulate metabolism. The pill provides synthetic  thyroid hormones, increasing metabolism, decreasing appetite and boosting energy levels.
  • Metformin was increased from 500 mg to 1000 mg per day. This assists in maintaining blood sugar levels. This keeps my diabetes under better control and, as a side effect, will help in weight loss.
  • Phetermine was introduced. This is like the glorious days of PPA with even more of a punch. PPA in Acutrim and Dexatrim, a staple in my medicine cabinet and instrumental in assisting me to loose weight and keep it off in the '90s has been unobtainable for over a decade now. But this shit is PPA's daddy. And, though not cheap considering it's a controlled drug and it requires monthly visits to a doctor, it works even better than PPA ever did for me.

Already I've experienced the powerful effects of these changes. Especially the amphetamine-like phentermine. I'm right now looking down at my belly and confidently bidding it farewell. Oh not immediately, it takes time, but it will be gone. Indeed.

Another important component of this confluence is alcohol abstinence. It was vital in '92 to my successes of that year and it's just as essential now, if not more so. With the doubling of metformin, there's no room for playing Russian roulette with potential lactic acidosis. Combined with the multitude of other ill effects of this noxious brew, I'm eliminating it altogether. I had been been reducing my metformin intake on days I'd chosen to imbibe thinking I'd trick my system to avoid acidosis. This has caused my A1C to rise, making my diabetes more prescient making cravings for starchy consumables, like beer, more prevalent, making my blood sugar spike, making....well, you get the's an endless cycle. And the horrible all-day hangovers, the increase of fatty deposits in my liver, the games it plays with my blood pressure and even the rising costs of the shit all spell out one conclusion. Beer - You're Outta Here!

Finally, as usual every year, my birthday inspires me to look at myself objectively, without rose-colored glasses. Or, more accurately in my case, funhouse-mirrored glasses which distort my image and make me look thin and fit. Time to see me for what I've become. Yes, sure, spend a minute or two shrugging and shaking my head, perplexed at how it got this far, but then definitely declare that it goes no further.

So come with me on what will no doubt be a fascinating ride through my personal funhouse. We better fasten our seatbelts! And like another beloved theme park ride, I hear someone (is it me?) shouting out "This time, I think...I think it's going to work!"