All Hail The Night Lord!

I've just become sole ruler of the night.

As you may remember from previous posts detailing the seemingly-never-ending war for hegemony at work over the past couple of years, I've had to share the throne of Night Ruler with my arch-nemesis June.

Well not anymore.

Ironically, on the cusp of her plans to give notice since she was moving back to New York in a few weeks time, she just got fired. The old Task Master got to her. Susan? No, the real Task Master...the time clock.

She'd pushed the proverbial buttons of the punctuality-above-everything mindset management team one too many times.

Too bad really. In fact, she and I had come to a solid (more or less) truce of sorts over the last few months and it was at least an imitation of civility and compatibility we'd maintained. It was faux comfortable even.

Looks like the moron David will take her place. He's more putty in my hands than even hapless Eric.

I will be a good master. Fair and just.

But I will no doubt need to convey, if not in the exact words of the following quote, the same sentiment to each:

"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"

Ten points if you know what movie that's from.