Gird Your Loins, Boys!

So I just read an article where a Kansas man was sued for child support because he donated his sperm to a lesbian couple so they could have a baby. The guy answered the ladies' Craigslist plea and handed over his loin syrup and, so he says, all parties agreed he'd waive any and all parental rights. He was merely the stud service. And, perhaps to his chagrin, without even a proper physical fuck to show for it; they performed an amateur artificial insemination. Turkey baster perhaps?

Well the two women broke up after the birth of the baby and now the single mom wants this poor bastard to cough up some coin. And since they didn't have a doctor perform the insemination, it appears the state agrees that he should assume the responsibility.

Man, makes you wonder...

What if some crazy chick broke into your house and found your recently used cum rag lying about? And what if she stuffed the crusty cloth up her craggy cunt crack and sopped up some of the lil' guys who may have survived? If she got preggers, you'd be footin' the bill nine months later?

So let this be a lesson, boys...

Keep track of your semen,
"Cause some bitches be schemin'!

Know where you spunked,
Or you may be punk'd.

Some women will take,
And a-baby they'll make.

And to the courts they will go,
Lookin' to take all your dough.