Believe me, it's a small sacrifice indeed. Who needs that little sticker when you get so much more this way:
- No long lines.
- No hassle of parking at the polling place.
- No assholes shoving handbills and pamphlets in your face, forcing you to toss that shit into the garbage contributing to environmental waste.
- No taking the time out of your schedule.
- No having to walk into a fucking church staring at that disgustingly morbid execution device with a limp, almost nude figure of a dead and bloody convicted criminal impaled to it. (Christians are sick fucks!)
Of course, as you should know, I voted democrat right down the line. Including my favorite politician ever, Alan Grayson! When he lost his re-election bid in 2010, I was downright pissed, but, not living in his district at the time, there was little I could have done about it. Now, living in Orlando proper, and within the newly-formed borders of the new U.S. House District 9 for Florida, I'm confident my vote will be one of the majority which will put him back in Washington to "tell it like it is" to the Republicans. BTW, if you're not familiar with my soon-to-be representative, here's a little sampling of a couple of videos featuring him from 2010.
Voting early is so much easier, IMHO. Of course, voting online would be even better since I had to pay for postage on the paper ballot, but I guess it isn't as secure against voting fraud yet.
But how do they avoid fraud with mail-in balloting? What would happen if I showed up at my polling place on Election Day and tried to vote in person? How would they know I already voted? Absentee ballots aren't counted until after regular voting, right? Is my name crossed off the list printed in those huge books at the polling place? Hmmm.
Well I probably already voted twice last Presidential election time so why not keep it going?