Steam Frozen

With over 80 games on Steam, I can only devote myself to a few at a time to actually actively play. And even the definition of "actively" becomes dubious since it can sometimes be months from the last time played to the next.

Here's a little status report on some of the more popular games I have on Steam that are currently "in progress".


Total hours played: 8
Last played: 5/24/12
Last saved game: In the "Hephaestus" level, working to finish Kyburz's EMP bomb.


Total hours played: 6
Last played: 7/27/12
Last saved game: Chapter: "Relic", Trying to reach the Extraction Point and save 2 hostages.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Total hours played: 72
Last played: 7/27/12
Last saved game: Working on "Elder Knowledge" quest, searching Blackreach for the Elder Scroll. Power: Level 27

Fallout: New Vegas

Total hours played: 75
Last played: 4/21/12
Last saved game: Ring-A-Ding-Ding quest. Just blew away Benny and all his men at the Tops Casino.

L.A. Noire

Total hours played: 4
Last played: 5/7/12
Last saved game: Working on "The Driver's Seat" case. Heading to Cavanaugh's Bar after questioning Adrian Blacks wife.