Hey "Joker", Who's Laughing Now?

As you may know, I normally stay away from most current event or news topics on this blog, not to avoid controversy, but mainly out of unabashed vanity. This blog is about me, dammit! Why should I detract from the topic that most concerns me, that being myself of course. LOL!

So I blissful remain un-opinionated towards things like the Chik-Fil-A raucous. Who gives a fuck what some idiot fast food king thinks? I never eat there anyway. Over-priced, sub-par greasy chicken and their silly religious pretentiousness was so evident way before this current brouhaha.

But this sick fuck in Colorado has pissed me off enough to say something about him.

As someone who works in the mental health field, I know how pitiful it can be to "lose your mind". It's usually quite devastating not only to those afflicted but their friends and family as well. Whole productive lives can be reduced to essentially rubble once an illness like schizophrenia takes hold. Here on campus, there are residents who were college professors, business leaders, socialites and even one lady who was herself a doctor of psychiatric medicine. Talk about irony! This illness strikes hard and at various ages and is universally indiscriminate to race, creed, social standing or prior circumstances.

But the key thing to remember is it is only in extremely rare circumstances that there have been known cases of someone just instantly "snapping". There are usually clear and obvious precursors.

One commonality, as in this case, is that it can hit highly productive (and usually stressed because of it) college aged kids. But it's always noticeable. Even for reclusive individuals, people around the sufferer can see a change. It can be quick, but there are always signs. And there's always help.

This guy and his family must have been aware of what was going on. He was studying neuroscience, for crying out loud! He would have known how destructive mental illness can be, and how it can usually be successfully treated chemically. But he and his family chose to ignore it. 

I don't subscribe to the belief that the schizophrenic cannot self-diagnose in the early stages. Many of the residents here are here precisely because they knew there was something wrong, and that it was getting worse the more they ignored it. Take the clinician I spoke of earlier...she checked herself in. She knew precisely what was happening.

So this guy decides to ignore it. Doesn't treat it, and this is what happens. He has to accept some responsibility here.

Here's an image I saw tonight that sparked this ire. Its a picture of Holmes' youngest fatality. Her mother who was also shot survived, but just miscarried her unborn child because of the trauma.

If I were the guy in charge of the jail he's being held at, I'd have this picture blown-up and pasted on Holmes' cell wall. He'd be ordered to not tear it down.

That's right, Joker. Take a good look into her eyes every night before you go to sleep.

Sweet dreams, you sick fuck.