Geo Politics

Watching "Face the Nation" this morning I heard Bob Scheiffer and others declare they had no idea who Mitt Romney would chose as his running mate.

Well, if history and logic is any indicator, I think I know...

Historically, let me show you how important geography has been in the selection of a VP running mate (in recent modern political times, that is)...

Richard M. Nixon - California
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. - Massachusetts
John F. Kennedy - Massachusetts
Lyndon B. Johnson -Texas

Lyndon B. Johnson - Texas
Hubert Humphrey - Minnesota
Barry Goldwater - Arizona
William E. Miller - New York

1968: Richard M. Nixon - California
Spiro Agnew - Maryland
Hubert Humphrey - Minnesota
Edmund Muskie - Maine

Richard M. Nixon - California
Spiro Agnew - Maryland
George McGovern - South Dakota
Sargent Shriver - Maryland

Gerald Ford - Michigan
Bob Dole - Kansas
Jimmy Carter- Georgia
Walter Mondale - Minnesota

Jimmy Carter - Georgia
Walter Mondale- Minnesota
Ronald Reagan - California
George H. W. Bush - Texas

Ronald Reagan - California
George H. W. Bush - Texas
Walter Mondale -Minnesota
Geraldine Ferraro - New York

George H. W. Bush - Texas
Dan Quayle - Indiana
Michael Dukakis -Massachusetts
Lloyd Bentsen - Texas

George H. W. Bush - Texas
Dan Quayle - Indiana
Bill Clinton - Arkansas
Al Gore - Tennessee

Bill Clinton - Arkansas
Al Gore - Tennessee
Bob Dole - Kansas
Jack Kemp - New York

Al Gore - Tennessee
Joe Lieberman- Connecticut
George W. Bush - Texas
Dick Cheney - Wyoming

George W. Bush - Texas
Dick Cheney - Wyoming
John Kerry -Massachusetts
John Edwards - North Carolina

John McCain - Arizona
Sarah Palin - Alaska
Barack Obama - Illinois
Joe Biden - Maryland

Barack Obama - Illinois
Joe Biden - Maryland
Mitt Romney -Massachusetts

Well, history shows that candidates chose someone from a different region of the US in order to help get a more robust vote from differing areas of the country.

The main focus was on the West-East connection, but in recent years, it's been more important to have North-South...

So with Romney, a Massachusetts former governor with ties to his roots in Michigan...there will likely be a need to pick a running mate from the south.

Marco Rubio of Florida has been mentioned, but aside from the favorable impact in the Hispanic community, he's just too new to the political scene. And too Tea Party.

My bet's on a tried and true, tested Republican veteran, also from the south, who made great strides in the primaries. He'd be the most logical choice, IMHO...

I think Mitt Romney will chose Newt Gingrich.

Based on the historical data, and the desperation for this candidate to be appealing to a broader American audience, I feel strongly he'll pick him.

Let's wait and see...