Doing My Part To Help America

Tonight I filed my taxes. Basically, what that amounts to is a note telling the IRS that I deserve a part of the money they already took from me over the course of last year.

So, it works out like this...they had taken a total of $1920 and I beg for just $31 back.

They will be able to keep $1889 to help fill the belly of the United States' vast piggy bank.

Oh oh, but the government's ol' ceramic Arnold Ziffel has a few cracks in it...

The National Debt is, at the time of this post, precisely $15,335,533,347,908.70

The e-file site I used says my return will be processed within about a day, so I imagine the government can then remove the $1889 from some kinda holding account, right? And then some government worker in this vast ominously-overbearing and depressing room filled with odd terminals and pneumatic tubes ala Terry Gilliam's "Brasil" will punch the numbers into some funky typewriter/computer thingy and wha la, my money is added into the virtual slot of the virtual piggy bank.

Unfortunately, the debt figure I quoted above will, in just one day have grown by another $3,980,000,000!

But now comes my contribution...

Yay! Thanks to me it will only grow by $3,979,998,111 tomorrow.